Monday, October 13, 2008


its been a lonnnngggg time - wow not sure if i even remember how to do all this!
well lets see- ... home coder, but still getting in trouble for 'productivity' , started back to school with drawing 161 and photo prin II - learing to shoot, develop, and dark room with a 4 X 5 camera- went thru a Hurricane- trees down , no power for a few days, but not complaining at all - as other friends went w/o it for two (grumble and bad words) weeks!
so the heart ache and heart break has totally taken a back seat to my thoughts- isn't it funny how things get re-prioritized and then suddenly everything seems and feels different!
so there! ready to start... over...

1 comment:

Amy said...

Looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend! I FINALLY caught up on school last night... You?